Our Work

To address two severe issues among children - lack of education and hunger, we began a programme called ‘Food for Education’ which provides freshly-cooked, nutritious mid-day meals to children. Through this initiative, we presently feed millions of school children in India and we aim to achieve the two UN Sustainable Development Goals: Zero Hunger and Quality Education.


Akshaya Patra operates on a public-private partnership model under the aegis of government. As an implementing partner of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, it receives support from the Government of India, its various state governments and associated organisations. This has enabled the programme to grow from feeding 1,500 children in the year 2000 to over 2 million children in 2022. In Rajasthan, the Foundation currently feeds children 2,63,527 children in 3,195 Government and Government-aided schools.

Akshaya Patra, with partial support from the Government, also depends on corporate funds, philanthropic donors, volunteers and well-wishers for managing this large operation. The details of the operations include technological innovations, quality standards, delivery vehicles and interactions with its different stakeholders.

Our vision - ‘No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger’ – heartens us to ensure children get one full meal on every school day.

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